10 Aralık 2017 Pazar

Auto Insurance Is Cheaper With Companies Without Credit Checks Companies

car insurance-get your car insurance today very cheap
The insurance companies are betting on the ignorance of the covered members when it comes to what a credit score means to the cost of covering a vehicle. Most people look at it solely as a resource for getting more financing from other institutions in life, but not for things like car insurance. Believe it or not this holds a large impact for underwriters responsible for coming up with what to charge members.
A mortgage or new car financing is where the mind goes when connecting this important three digit number to finances. Insurance is typically not one of them, but surprisingly the same number used for credit cards and personal loans is also impacting how much it costs to insure a vehicle.
Renewal time is impacted as well
Lots of people discover when it comes time to sign up for an extension of current policies a change in this three digit number for the worst comes with a surprise. One of several things take place. No extension of coverage, cancellation and more difficulty finding another company to cover the same car.
A current insurer will not offer a renewal. Even for some people who have been with a company for several years there is no extension of the contract after the current dates. A negotiation for a higher rate is not even discussed.
Cancellation is a possibility after years with the same company simply because of a ding on this important document or an outrageous increase occurs. Countless people are unaware of how much a credit score affects something like personal auto insurance.
Finding a replacement with a another carrier is not an option. Contingent on where a person lives and what a person wishes to purchase are a factor. States shape the laws governing what policies are options. Though, it is a possibility a person living in a rural area has different choices versus someone in a more metropolitan place in the same state.
What it means for a covered customer
Lots of these types of businesses use these items as a main component in determining whether or not to cover an individual or even a family. Complicated formulas and underwriting use these as well to find out what to charge on a personal level. It varies from person to person or family to family.
Suppliers are in conflict with customers. Companies are in the business of making money. A higher risk is not a good investment. Nearly all clients are looking around for the best at the cheapest rates no matter what credit rating is owned. This is when a conflict comes into play.
Having a personal credit score not exactly where an individual would like it to be or owning one less than stellar doesn’t necessarily mean never finding a carrier. It fact, it simply equates to needing a little more research time to locate a provider without a credit check for auto insurance and ideally finding the cheapest rates as well.
Although states regulate what is purchased and sold within a state, there are exceptions. More than a few allow the company headquarters to reside in one state and covered members to live in another. Typically these types of policies generally have basic conditional services. In other words, there are no bells and whistles and only the bare minimums are offered.
Why this number is used to determine what a person pays
Many of these corporations review a potential member's credit score and use it to make a determination of how consistent a bill is paid. More importantly how trustworthy this person will be in the future. According to the businesses using this method it is a good indication of an individual's financial steadiness and reliability as a covered member.
It sounds like a great idea or way to view the relationship between customer and business going forward. Though, this is not necessarily true as countless people know. Payment is for some services is contingent on other factors which are not even under an individual's control.
This is not to say there are more than a few folks simply not financially responsible and the number reflects the truth. For the most part this is the exception and not the rule. The nation's economy has not been kind to countless people by no fault of their own. Meaning being responsible with money was a habit, but a direct or indirect impact of Americans banking community decisions went sideways and caused harm.
Why does every person searching for insurance coverage have to pay for the fiasco? How long does the average citizen pay for something they have no control over? Nearly every state requires carrying a minimum policy mandatory to following the law. Therefore, this is a serious discussion on more than one level.
How is it used
All insurance is based on risk management or underwriting. This is a complicated statistical method to set up the amount paid for coverage built by combining a number of various factors. Historically credit scores where not included in this calculation which allowed for more coverage at cheaper rates for countless folks. Times have changed and these numbers now play an enormous role in the data used for the process.
Based on the info used for this method of evaluation scores of insurance providers have formed an opinion which may not be true. They have basically determined the lower a driver’s or policy owner’s credit score is; the more likely this member will file a claim against a policy or cost them monies/profits in other ways.
Negative expectations from the start
Along with possibly filing bogus claims there is a feeling the same kind of a policy owner tends to exaggerate these same claims for more money than the actual worth. This is committing insurance fraud once again in a different direction. This is only the beginner of the bad behavior bubble.
The habit of making late payments is the kicker to all of the rest of the dirt these same "types" are suspected of doing simply because of the wrong set of numbers in the wrong place for a balance sheet. All of these ideas are formed from three little digits following an individual around for life.
Whether most people think it’s fair or not is not relevant. This is what these kinds of providers admit and why it is an important piece of data when obtaining auto insurance and the rates it costs for this particular privilege or in some states following a mandatory law.
Realistically a credit score will not tell if a person is or is not a criminal when it comes to insurance. Simply having poor credit doesn’t make automatically create a culprit for insurance fraud.The same is said of the person holding a good number. Their honesty is not measured by it.
Having personal integrity or honesty in question does group a person with certain individuals more likely paying higher rates to insure a car or truck. More than a few lose it because a score is not up to the standards for a good insurance risk. It is difficult to discover an individual is personally deemed untrustworthy or a possible criminal based on three little numbers.
Lucky enough to get it for an auto? There is even a chance of having one so terrible or falling so far it means no benefits to be found at all. Work in keeping it level and making it better in all cases.
What is a good score?
The business entities using these believe owning a score or credit rating above 700 as a good risk. This is the crowd offered the cheapest or lowest auto insurance rates for the best coverage. More than likely more than one business likes the risk and contacts these individuals for good coverage at a low cost
One the other end of the scale are those with not so great credit histories. The magic number is 700 or 600 depending on who wants what. Anything below 600 is a bad investment. Finding one this low definitely means higher auto insurance rates for less coverage, cancellations or other obstacle blocks.
This is detrimental for some in states where there is a mandatory minimum policy to carry. This means there is a likelihood more and more drivers skip even the basics and drive without it. This puts everyone out in the cold and in even in danger.
Are there other factors to consider?
There isn’t a lot of wiggle room with some of these entities between the good and the bad. However, remember there are other factors taken into account when accessing risks used in underwriting data for coverage.
This means if you experience a six month lay off from a job last year and personal credit numbers dipped, there are still other factors being used to rate you. These are elements which possibly raise or lower your risk factor. This is great for a short term bump in the road. A longer obstacle is not as easy to recover from.
Other factors include a personal driving record, age, sex, whether a covered member is married or not and even where a person lives makes a difference. A driving record means do you have any tickets or moving violations? Any car accidents in your past? Even those where you were not at fault are not good for the cause. Do you drive your car to work every day or take the bus?
All of these things are taken into one application and put in one end of a process. Out of the other end pops a number matched to an insurance rate for a car based on a particular driver. Not all insurers input the same data for underwriting customers. Although these are the most general, some have things like if details centering around personal habits like smoking cigarettes or not included as a factor too. The more bad habits the worse the number becomes
Specifics are discovered with the company. This is not an enormous hush hush secret or industry need to know. Countless share this information without issue.
Where to find companies who do not base rates on credit scores
There are more than a few working without counting it into evaluating personal risk factors for payment. For those concerned with personal or unique numbers which involve paying a higher car insurance premium there is a bright side.
Paying more than necessary or even dropped from renewal because of it need doesnt mean never finding one to get a quote for the same identical coverage at less expense. Surprisingly the difference is sometimes substantial. Shop around.
Several businesses using a mathematical formula to determine rates minus credit scores are Allstate, Progressive and 4AutoInsuranceQuote.org. Although these are some of the bigger boys, there are lots more out there in the marketplace today. Each state has identified which companies are qualified or licensed to sell policies to citizens and this varies depending on where a client lives.
To know which businesses fall in this category in the marketplace are practicing for an individual state, contact the state’s Insurance Commissioner Department. Another avenue is looking into each one individually. Look into these numerous companies giving online insurance quotes to determine what the likely price will be from one or another. Many of these are likely to offer free online quotes. This gets the best coverage for the least amount of money in nearly every case.
Is there a catch to using these companies?
More than likely, any mentioned who choose not to use credit scores generally have an overall higher risk pool. The risk pool is an underwriting term to identify the likelihood of a claim filed against the policy or dollars to filed claims. This means the majority of covered members fall into a less trustworthy category.
This higher risk is shared across the board to all insured’s in one form or another, generally in the form of money or coverage. Typically these stand out because of slightly higher rates for identical coverage with another company choosing to use the data. Another scenario is less insurance for the same price because this part of the process was skipped or eliminated.
What are some of the benefits?
It is not as bad as it seems from all angles. Generally identical coverage is received for two different prices.On one end of things there is the higher risks candidates and on the other is the less riskier customers.
In this example, a bump in the financial forum is costing an arm and leg. Another situation is finding less coverage for the same price by only a tiny fraction of a difference. This is why comparing and shopping around makes an enormous difference in what you eventually have for a policy and how much it costs.
Dollars are spent working to improve the credit score that hurt them. They make this number better much faster. This means getting the better coverage for the least amount of money.
Cherish a credit score
Investing in a good driving record is only one of the instruments used to determine what is paid for rates. This item on the check list is a part of a larger mix in the formula being used by companies in the marketplace.
These same digits are being accessed as criteria to find employment, housing and insurance it is certainly valuable in lots of areas of every day life. This means taking care of it. When you are blindsided with events that negatively influence it, do everything possible to get it back on track.
When the fault lies elsewhere for the numbers
There are times when things are simply out of a person's control yet there is an influence. For an example, during the holiday season for more than several years identities have been stolen. Purchases as large as cars and homes are being made. Imagine recovering from someone running a credit card up to the limit in a couple of hours.
Medical bills are sometimes real and other times imaginary. Medical identity theft is on the rise. Making certain the person getting the services actually matches the card is a good thing. A bill in error within this circumstance from an unknown doctor for several thousand dollars is eventual fixed. The aftermath is devastating. Some scars are left on records which are never totally erased through the action of thieves. Even careful people are known to fall victim.
Thieves in this category cost an individual dearly. All of these situations are breaches of security by a store or merchant and not the unsuspecting customer. Though they are paid by the very person violated by the act.
This identity theft has included fraudulent financial purchases and things such as overdrafts. The real account holders are responsible for these irresponsible acts. Credit card companies are not always honoring the policy of charges not made by the cardholder are not their responsibility or other loopholes leave others holding the bag.
When crippled by another person's actions where personal credit is concerned, there is no way to reflect this explanation on paper for the average person taking a quick review of it. While working to resolve this issue the incorrect material is on the report and still tied to an individual person.
Do everything to fix this as soon as possible and remove any erroneous material not honestly owed to creditors. Check this material often to make certain all is correct. There are procedures in place with each of the credit bureaus for inquiries. This is a change from how things were previously done over the years. New processes make an investigation faster and corrections mover much more quickly as well.
In conclusion
One thing countless people do not consider is a credit score inquiry from any entity negatively impacts or lowers this number. That's right. When anyone checks it they are costing a person valuable points. This is true whether you take the insurance coverage offered or not. This is simply another reason to consider alternatives to these types of business practices.
Shopping around to several companies for the best price is more costly than many realize. If you are unable to afford the hit, do not hesitate to avoid it by bypassing the process.
Good driving records are extremely important in calculating underwriting and risks. Lots of folks in a situation with a low score and searching for coverage attempt to offset this by keeping a wonderful driving record.
How many accidents and tickets always are included for investigation when companies research clients. This is an enormous factor and weighs heavily. Keep it looking shiny and new.

19 Nisan 2017 Çarşamba

Jean-Claude Van Damme Recreates His “Kickboxer” Dance Scene - CONAN on TBS

The famous actor of action films Jean-Claude Van Damme attended the television program in which Conan O´Brien became a famous scene from the movie "Kickboxer"

In this film of 1989 a scene of Van Damme´s character is shown druck and dancing of a distinctive hip movement, now revived in this tv.

12 Nisan 2017 Çarşamba

Life Insurance Tips and Sales Techniques

Insurance Cold Calling

Insurance cold calling can be a very difficult task. It is very different from business to business selling because you are calling consumers at their homes on the most part. And unlike business to business selling, this is more like telemarketing.

The one difference is that generally you're working with a set of warm leads and that effects your cold calling techniques. 

Simple Cold Calling Script

Here is a basic insurance cold calling script. These are the basic components you want in your pitch. You want to make it quick and simple. And you want to incorporate a question to engage them in conversation right away.

"Hi Mr. Prospect, my name is Bob Jones with Secure Insurance Agency. I was calling to see what kind of protection you had for your family in the event, God forbid, anything should happened to you."

Wait for a response...

If they have a life policy, say...

"That's great that you care enough about your family to get coverage for them. Are you certain that the protection your family has is enough to cover their expenses for a while should you pass?"

If they say they don't have life insurance, say...

"Mr. Prospect, wouldn't you want the peace of mind to know that your family will be well taken care of after you are gone? What kind of legacy would you leave if you left your family with a mountain of bills and no money to pay them?"

Keep it short, simple and ask a lot of leading questions.

Also, hit them in the heart not the head. People buy emotionally much more than they do rationally, so keep talking about their family and you will have a chance at doing your sales presentation for them.

Warm Leads for Cold Calls

If you don't have access to warm leads, I would encourage you to find another insurance agency that does provide insurance cold calling leads to work for.

Generally the insurance brokerage or insurance agency you work for will provide you a set of leads. Some of these insurance leads will come from marketing campaigns conducted by the insurance agency or insurance carrier.

These leads will be warm because people have requested life insurance quotes and information somehow about getting insurance. Although these leads are warm, it doesn't mean it's easy. 

Most likely, these prospects have also contacted other insurance companies and you will most likely be competing with several other insurance agents. 

No matter what type of insurance policy you are selling, these techniques will get the job done.

Cold Calling Tips and Techniques - Customer Focused

Here are some cold calling techniques. Insurance cold calling requires you to cease to be self-conscious and become customer conscious. Remember, these people asked for more information about insurance.

Help them get that information. Don't think about your fears and your hesitancy. Just focus on the customer and on why they inquired and what they need.

This requires that you genuinely care about them and their needs as people. I guarantee you, faking it won't work. People can tell when you're faking it.

You may be able to fool some, but you won't be able to fool people for the long haul. People can tell even over the phone. That means you have to change your heart. 

Not only that, it's not sustainable if you're faking it. Why? Because faking that you care about people all the time will drain you emotionally. Over time, you'll be unhappy and tired and stressed.

However, if you genuinely care about the people you're selling insurance to, you'll get energy by helping them and selling insurance will become a thing that is satisfying to your soul, and not just your pocket book...which will lead to a fatter pocket book by the way.

But that can't be the reason you do it. You have to just let it be the afterthought of caring, or else you end up faking it again.

They can also tell if you really care and aren't after just their money.

And if they reject you, you will feel sorry for them that they passed up on an insurance agent that actually cared in exchanged for some other guy that might be just self-serving.

Cold Calling Tips - Managing Difficulties

The first enemy of your insurance cold calling success if yourself. You have to get over the fear of calling people and you have to get over the hatred of calling people.

11 Nisan 2017 Salı

Health and Medical Insurance for Dummies, usefull tips and concepts

What is Health Insurance anyway??!!

If you are like most people, you know very little about your health insurance. Usually provided through your employer, health insurance is there for you to help with the costs of your medical bills. Once people know they are eligible, they don't do their homework in finding out all the important details of their insurance plans. Then they are surprised when they receive a bill in the mail. I have worked in the health insurance field as a medical claims analyst for over 13 years, and in that time I have counseled many participants in their coverage and explanation of their bills. I really think that if these people were more aware of their coverage, they would have made better choices. So I would like to explain, as simply as I can, the basics of insurance and the important terms to know.

***Before I begin-I must state that all insurances are different, and there might be specific rules and exclusions that your plan has. The best thing would be to refer to your benefits booklet, or contact your insurance carrier directly if you need the most accurate information***


HMO-Health Maintenance Organization

These insurance plans require participants to chose a Primary Care Physician or PCP. You will be required to see your PCP first, and if you need to consult a specialist, you will need to obtain a referral from your PCP. 

PPO-Preferred Provider Organization

 This insurance plan has a specific network of providers that one can see to get reduced charges, and therefore are responsible for less.   Participants are also not required to use referrals to see specialists. 

Insurance terms


Provider is a term used for health professionals who provide health care services. Sometimes, the term refers only to physicians. Often, however, the term also refers to other health care professionals such as hospitals, nurse practitioners, chiropractors, physical therapists, and others offering specialized health care services.


This is what you will receive from your insurance company once they have processed a bill for you. It will show the date of the service, the provider, the total charge, and how it was paid. If additional information is needed from you, it will specifiy what they need and how to provide that information. It is best to keep all these EOB's and match them up with your bills as you receive them.


Most insurance plans will have a deductible that must be met before the plan pays out any benefits for certain services. 

This is a set amount that your plan has determined to be paid out to your provider at the time of service. 


This is the amount that you are responsible for after the insurance has processed your claim and applied any deductibles or discounts. Usually on your insurance's explanation of benefits, or EOB, your coinsurance amount will be shown as patient responsibility, or patient balance. Make sure this amount matches up with the amount that is shown on the bill that comes from the providers office-if it doesn't-call the insurance before you pay!!


A set amount of money that the insurance determines, to be paid out of your pocket, before the plan will cover services at 100%. Be aware that some plan do not include your deductible and co-pays in this amount.


Each insurance plan will have a list of exclusions for things not covered. It is very important that you look over these exclusions, so that you will be aware of the services that will not be covered. 


Any service that is being done as a screening or for preventative reasons, is classified as routine. Some plans are very specific with their routine benefits, and may have certain limitations based on age, type of service, or dollar maximum.


Certain services may require approval from the insurance company before it is done. 


Understanding your insurance plan doesn't have to be as difficult as you think. If you arm yourself with the knowledge of these common terms, and familiarize yourself with your specific benefits, it will make it a lot easier to make sense of it all. Of course, you can always contact your insurance carrier and speak to a representative who can help explain your benefits for you. I am also available to answer any questions you may. I will do my best to help in any way I can!!!

Understanding Your Health Insurance Policy
When searching for a health insurance plan or after one has already signed up, the plan terms, or descriptions of provisions and coverages can be hard to understand. When one is reviewing the terms they often confusingly say, What does that mean?
HMO vs PPO | Comparing the Differences
Health insurance glossary

10 Nisan 2017 Pazartesi

How I paid 57 cents for my car insurance this month

How I saved money with Metromile

I'm sure you are wondering how I only paid 57 cents this month for my car insurance. After I realized my savings I knew I had to share with everyone. Being a work from home mom I have found that I leave the house less than I used to. I probably go shopping once a week and run errands when needed. For the first 3 months working from home I found I saved a lot of money by purchasing less gas. I knew I needed to find more ways to save, so I looked at my car insurance options.

At the time, I was paying $60 a month for the state minimum liability with no tickets or accidents. After doing some research online, I found there is a pay-per-mile car insurance company now. I immediately jumped at the opportunity to switch my insurance, however the company I was with charged a early term penalty. I stuck it out, and instantly cancelled when I received my renewal in the mail. Not only was I refunded for the last month, I paid less than half the refund amount for the new premium with the new company Metromile, putting cash back in my pocket.
This last month I drove a total of 41 miles for the WHOLE month. Sad, I know haha, however saving for a house means spending less, which I love to do anyway. I'm not saying everyone is going to see a savings switching to this type of insurance. If you drive a lot, this insurance type my not work in your favor, but actually costing more. I will explain how this works.
  • Your first look at an estimate will show a base pay + (cents)per mile.
  • This all depends on your driving record, credit, and type of coverage. They offer pretty much all coverage options that any normal insurance company would cover.
  • Example: I have state minimum liability and my base pay is $20.10 a month. I pay 2.1 cents per mile. So last month I drove 41 miles, my statement is for $20.77. (I am not exactly sure how they calculate this, however this amount is from my statement.)
  • This is only available in select states, however do not be afraid to check them out. The more people that ask for this type of insurance in other states, the more likely they will expand.

The advantages of a pay-per-mile insurance

  • If you drive less than 10,000 miles a year, than this is an option to consider. You can save as much as $500 a year.
  • Once signed up, you receive a free OBD-II device that you plug in to monitor your milage only.
  • You have the option to turn on GPS for detailed information on the location of your vehicle and where it traveled. I have heard you can use the mobile app to locate your vehicle in parking lots, however I do not own a smartphone and will update info if I can try this.
  • You do not pay for your car to just sit there. Especially good for low risk drivers.
  • Being a customer, I feel like this insurance company is rewarding me for being a good driver just for how cheap the insurance is.
  • Customer service is kind and courteous. I never had to call them, they called me about a month after purchasing a policy to provide feedback on their company so far. It's understandable, they are fairly new and feedback is what helps a company get better.
  • You can get vehicle diagnostics using their app. Again I haven't tried this, however they do offer this option if you mange your policy on the app.
  • If you drive over 150 miles in one day, you do not get charged anything over the 150 miles.

Disadvantages of a pay-per-mile insurance

  • If you drive over 10,000 miles a year, depending on which coverage options, you may pay more. It still wouldn't hurt to check them out and get an estimate to see if there are any savings.

How I only paid 57 cents

Since I do not drive a lot, I do most of my shopping online. I became a member ofEbates right before Christmas shopping last year. Ebates is a cash back company that gives you cash back just for shopping online.
There are tons of stores to choose from, and each with their own cash back amount. They only payout 4 times a year, so my last payment was a surprise! My cash back amount was for $20.20 which I acquired from Christmas shopping for the kids. The payment went to my paypal account right before my Metromile automatic payment hit, so paypal only charged my bank account 57 cents.
I know what you're thinking, what's the big deal right?
For some, most money goes to priorities, with little left over. The more money you can save on your necessities means more money for everything else. It may not pay off right away, and if that's what you need I have other suggestions. This gave me a savings of over $40 a month. If I continue with this insurance, I will save $480 a year. To me this is a win and I continue everyday to find ways to make extra cash and save on my bills and life needs.

Check out this invoice!

Other ways to make cash

I have a lot of free time during the day because I work nights and both kids are in school. I take an average of 1-3 hours of my time and try to take surveys. I am signed up for several different companies and I do have an article that explains why. Some days I have a lot, some days I only have one or two, which is why the big time difference above.
I have been able to participate in product testing surveys, where product is mailed to me, I test and take a survey on the product usage, quality, etc. The ones I have done I have not had to send the product back. It may not be the case every time, however the company paid for the shipping the product to me.
Today alone I made $16 by filling out surveys. I cannot cash out yet, since it is split up between all the sites, however I do so many surveys I pretty much cash out every other day on at least one of the sites. Payment options include Paypal and Amazon e-gift cards, just to name a couple.
Everything I buy on Amazon.com is basically used with a gift card from doing surveys. I am a Prime member, so once every other month I order a prime pantry box worth about $60 for all household goods to last 2 months. Being a member you get free 2-day shipping and Prime video! Why not use this as a means of payment? In January alone I made almost $150 in Amazon gift cards purchasing everything we need like auto parts, home goods, replacement items and things for our current renovation.
This is money I did not have to spend out of pocket! I treat survey taking like a job, so it might not seem like a lot of money, but it's more money than I had before trying it for way less time than my full-time job.
I try to save money any way that I can. With student loans soon to be due, and trying to save for a house I know I am going to need the extra savings in my future. I found that saving now, will help for a better, more comfortable future and I hope to share my savings with you. If you have any questions, or would like more savings tips, please comment below and I can help out!

Auto Insurance Without Credit Check Companies

Most insurers are looking for the cheapest rates with no consideration for credit scores

The insurance companies are betting on the ignorance of the covered members when it comes to what a credit score means to coverage. Most people look at it solely as a resource for getting more credit in life. Insurance is not a form of credit, but surprisingly the same number used for credit cards and auto loans is also impacting how much it costs to insure a vehicle.

Lots of people discover at policy renewal time a change in a credit score for the worst comes with a surprise. One of several things take place. A current insurer will not offer a renewal and it becomes more than difficult to find new coverage. Cancellation is a possibility after years with the same company simply because of a ding on this important document or an outrageous increase occurs. Countless people are unaware of how much a credit score affects something like personal auto insurance.

What does it mean for a covered customer?

With a poor credit rating, unfortunately an auto insurance provider has the option to cancel or not renew coverage. Lots of these types of businesses use these scores as a main component in determining whether or not to insure an individual or even a family and what to charge for personalized rates.

Suppliers are in conflict with customers. Companies are in the business of making money. A higher risk is not a good investment. Nearly all customers are looking around for the best coverage at the cheapest rates no matter what credit rating is owned. This is when a conflict comes into play.

Having a personal credit score not exactly where an individual would like it to be or owning one less than perfect doesn’t necessarily mean never finding a carrier interested in selling a policy. This simply equates to needing a little more research time to locate a provider that has no credit check auto insurance and ideally finding the cheapest rates as well.

Why do they need this number to determine coverage rates?

Many of these corporations review a potential member's credit score and use it to make a determination of how consistent a bill is paid and more importantly how trustworthy this person will be. According to the businesses using this method it is a good indication of an individual's financial steadiness and reliability as a covered member. It sounds like a great idea or way to view the future relationship between customer and business. Though, this is not necessarily true as many people know.

This is not to say there are more than a few folks simply not financially responsible and the number reflects the truth. For the most part this is the exception and not the rule. The nation's economy has not been kind to countless people by no fault of their own. Meaning being responsible with money was a habit, but a direct or indirect impact of Americans banking community decisions went sideways and caused harm.

Why does every person searching for insurance coverage have to pay for the fiasco? How long does the average citizen pay for something they have no control over? Nearly every state requires carrying a minimum policy mandatory to following the law. Therefore, this is a serious discussion on more than one level.

How is it used

All insurance is based on risk management or underwriting. This is a complicated statistical method to set up the amount paid for coverage built by combining a number of various factors. Historically credit scores where not included in this calculation which allowed for more coverage at cheaper rates for countless folks. Times have changed and these numbers now play an enormous role in the data used for the process.

Based on the info used for this method of evaluation scores of insurance providers have formed an opinion which may not be true. They have basically determined the lower a driver’s or policy owner’s credit score is; the more likely this member will file a claim against a policy or cost them monies/profits in other ways.

Negative expectations from the start

Along with possibly filing bogus claims there is a feeling the same kind of a policy owner tends to exaggerate these same claims for more money than the actual worth. This is committing insurance fraud once again in a different direction. This is only the beginner of the bad behavior bubble.

The habit of making late payments is the kicker to all of the rest of the dirt these same "types" are suspected of doing simply because of the wrong set of numbers in the wrong place for a balance sheet. All of these ideas are formed from three little digits following an individual around for life.

Whether most people think it’s fair or not is not relevant. This is what these kinds of providers admit and why it is an important piece of data when obtaining auto insurance and the rates it costs for this particular privilege or in some states following a mandatory law.

Realistically a credit score will not tell if a person is or is not a criminal when it comes to insurance. Simply having poor credit doesn’t make automatically create a culprit for insurance fraud.The same is said of the person holding a good number. Their honesty is not measured by it.

Having personal integrity or honesty in question does group a person with certain individuals more likely paying higher rates to insure a car or truck. More than a few lose it because a score is not up to the standards for a good insurance risk. It is difficult to discover an individual is personally deemed untrustworthy or a possible criminal based on three little numbers.

Ten of the Best car insurance companies

18 Şubat 2017 Cumartesi

If you do not earn enough to live in the USA, consider emigrating!

The numbers are quite surprising. Almost 7 out of 10 Americans have less than $ 1,000 in savings.One in three Americans has nothing in reserve for their retirement.And, according to Federal Reserve data, the average working-age couple has saved only $ 5,000 for their retirement. How is this possible?

How can it be that the citizens of the richest country that ever existed in the history of the world have hardly any savings?Simple. The cost of living has skyrocketed over the past few decades. For tens of millions of people it is terribly difficult to keep up with their expenses and debts. Just look at the numerical data. House prices, once again, are at their all-time highs. And for those who choose to rent rather than buy, rents in many cities have also reached their all-time highs.A cross for the MillenialsThis is especially difficult for the Millennium generation, which is spending more than 40% of its disposable income on housing costs.If you add student debt (which continues to be a pest among millennials), this will take more money out of your pockets monthly.And God help them if they decide to have children, whose cost of support is now at a record level.According to a study published last year by the US Department of Agriculture (I'm not sure why they looked for this data ??), the total cost of raising a child from birth to age 21 is now $ 233,610 .Other private studies have fixed that amount in more, surpassing $ 300,000.And it's not just inflation, but childcare costs have risen so fast that for many families, it's impossible to keep both spouses in their careers? One of them has to dedicate himself, at least temporarily, to take care of the children.Then there are the costs of insurance and medical care, which continue to rise to record levels.Health costs in the clouds

Costs for health care in the United States are now at the highest levels ever before.But what is even more important, the TASA in which costs are rising reached its highest level in 32 years.So, is it any wonder people are unable to save some money ?? Or, in spite of a brief fall after the GreatRecession, credit for consumption is once again exploding. People survive in debt.Like its federal government, Americans are once again heavily indebted.And it's easy to understand why: What they earn simply is not enough for them to make ends meet.And while, in theory, wages have finally begun to grow, albeit slightly, this has been largely overcome by the increase in the main costs of living, such as housing, child care, insurance and medical care.

14 Şubat 2017 Salı

10 Tips for Choosing Life Insurance

Everyday life exposes us to situations of risk that can strongly affect personal finances. Any day, an illness can destroy everything because we have worked.

Situations such as disability or death can destroy the heritage we have forged for our family; For this reason it is important to have a life insurance that protects our loved ones when we can no longer do so.

The offer of policies in the market is very large, so HiR Seguros recommends following some steps before choosing a tool that fits our needs.

1. Familiarize yourself with vocabulary. It is important to know some terms that will help you make a good decision.

-Coverage: is the specific risk by which the insurance will protect you.

Policy: is the document that contains the general rules of your insurance.

- Insured sum: refers to the maximum amount that the company will pay you if the insured event occurs.

-Prince: alludes to the cost of insurance.

2. What do you want to insure? There are insurance for unemployment, medical expenses, cars, real estate or personal. Prioritize your needs and be prospective, analyze what things or who are vulnerable.

3. Economic dependents. Consider whether you have young children or if you are studying, you are single or retired; How many incomes in addition to yours will compromise.

4. What coverage do you have? Usually coverages are for death, damage to third parties or disability; However, you can opt for terminal or serious illnesses or funeral expenses. It is suggested that coverage be five to eight times the current income.

5. Define your budget. Think about how much you earn and how much you could spend for the insurance payment.

6. Review options. The insurer can be a bank or maybe a specialized company, considers the trajectory, presence in the city and country, prices and what its strong in the sector. The insurer must have physical offices and permanent care websites, as well as alternative means of communication.

7. Seek advice. There are insurance agents and insurance brokers. The first ones are people who guides you about existing insurance and makes you a tailor made plan. Meanwhile, the broker are intermediaries of several companies, which are engaged in marketing contracts and insurance policies to their customers.

8. Compare. Many times the decision for insurance is only motivated by the price, however, the ideal is to make an assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

9. Organize your income. Look for payment plans that do not compromise other necessary expenses in your family.

10. Beneficiaries. Clarify the name and percentage that will be granted, remember that they can not be minors. Avoid intermediaries, if you appoint someone else to deliver the sum insured this action is only a moral obligation.