11 Temmuz 2018 Çarşamba

6 tips for hiring a Motorcycle Insurance

More and more citizens are betting on the purchase of a motorbike. In Spain, according to the Association of European Motorcycle Manufacturers (ACEM) Sales of this type of vehicles grew in 2016 16.1% compared to the previous year. There are many advantages to these two-wheeled vehicles. For example, avoiding traffic, searching for parking in rush hour or fuel consumption are some of them.

With the arrival of good weather, the appearance of motorcycles in circulation is triggered. So it is not too much to remember some points that you have to keep in mind when hiring a motorcycle insurance. As with cars, motorcycles in Spain are obliged to possess, at least, a liability insurance to be able to circulate. Here are some things you should consider before deciding on a specific policy.

Don't forget to cancel your previous insurance

If you make the decision to change company, you should take into account what the insurance contract law establishes. In its article 22 specifies the obligation to communicate with 1 month in advance to your current company The decision not to renew the policy with them. Otherwise, the insurer will automatically renew the policy for another year. The most common way to notify the company of the desire not to renew the policy is through written notice. Once you have done the paperwork and received the response of your company on the low of your insurance, you can hire another policy with the insurer you want.

Check out the coverages and types of insurance

The main purpose of a motorcycle insurance is to cover in case of accident or incident, so knowing exactly which are the coverage contracted or the limits of these is very important. Remember to analyze well what coverages you really need. It's not about having the best, but choosing the best suited to your needs.

Depending on the use you are going to make of the bike, the years of age it has, its value, as well as the place of parking or the number of kilometres you are going to go, you will have to choose between a more complete or basic insurance modality. The options with which you count when hiring a motorcycle insurance are mainly 4: Third basic, with travel assistance, extended and all risk with franchise. Each one of them has specific coverages. unfranchised All-risk insurance is a virtually non-existent product for motorcycles.

Choose the form of payment that interests you the most

Paying in a single fee the insurance premium is usually the cheapest option. However, most insurers give the option to their clients to be able to divide the payment on a monthly, quarterly or half-yearly basis. Yes, you should be aware that this type of payment may cause some surcharge on the part of the company, and the more payments you share, the higher the surcharge will be.

Occasional drivers in motorcycle insurance

Motorbike insurances, like cars, can cover more than one person. As a general rule, when hiring a policy of this type only one principal driver is indicated but, in cases where more than one person is going to drive the vehicle, most of the insurers allow to include them as occasional drivers.

However, we must pay attention to this point, as there are companies that do not allow second drivers and force to cover this risk in a nominal way, which means that both the taker, driver and owner of the bike are the same person. So, in this case there would only be one person authorized to drive the vehicle.

Look at the conditions of the company before a sinister

On the other hand, do not forget to read the conditions of the insurance company if you have a claim. To be able to freely choose the workshop where to take the motorbike in case of accident or breakdown, the assistance on trip, to know if the policy includes accident insurance for the driver the insured quantities or the indemnifications, are some of the characteristics more Important things to consider before you decide on a company.

Another essential coverage that is not always included in the motorcycle insurance is the one that covers the personal injury and material of the passenger. If you usually have an escort, it is important to include this coverage that will take care of the injured person's medical expenses. On the other hand, it is necessary to verify the limitations of this guarantee, as they usually have very low amounts.

Compare Motorcycle Insurance

Choosing a motorcycle insurance can get very complicated due to the great deal that is on the market. For this reason you can find the safest insurance and avoid ending up paying more, entering the motorcycle insurance Rastreator.com. Just fill out a questionnaire with some data and select the type of insurance you want to hire, plus you can see the different coverages and decide which is best suited to your risk profile.

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