9 Temmuz 2018 Pazartesi

7 tips for hiring good travel insurance

In travel, as in life, to be prevented is synonymous with tranquility. Therefore, more and more travelers are clear that hiring good travel insurance is the next step, after booking flights and the hotel, in preparing a trip.

The best thing about travel insurance is not having to get to use it ever, but if you have a medical need or any other mishap, having a good insurance will ensure that you are well cared for and the help you need to solve your problem with the greatest ease. As we know that sometimes it can be somewhat complex to choose a policy or another, we will tell you the keys to get you with the one you need.

Travel insurance where you should not advance the money

If you hire insurance with a high medical coverage to go quietly and at the time you need to advance money out of your pocket, it will serve you well. Also, the last thing you want in case you need medical assistance is that your travel insurance will make it difficult for you with payments and paperwork. For this reason, it is advisable to hire travel insurance that takes care of medical expenses, both visits and transportation and medicines.

It is highly recommended that you choose a travel insurance without franchise, so that you are clear from the outset that under no circumstances will you be responsible for expenses. You should know, yes, that if for urgent reasons you go to a medical center before you contact your insurer, you may have to advance expenses and then you will be reimbursed at the return of your trip.

Travel insurance that treats you in your language

Whatever insurance coverage you choose, it is extremely important that if you need to use them, be treated in your own language. It may sound first to something secondary but it is more important than it seems. Imagine that in a difficult moment you have to explain in a language that you do not control any type of ailment that you are suffering, for example, in your stomach. The fact of calling and being taken care of in your own language ensures that you will be treated correctly and in the most appropriate place.

Another important factor to consider when it comes to talking about telephone attention is the fact that you can contact for free. Insurance brokerages such as IATI Seguros offer the possibility to call by collect in the countries that allow it or to request the reimbursement of the call in which they do not give such option.

Travel insurance with the possibility of travel cancellation

What if the problem arises before the trip? Many travellers do not know this possibility, but there are travel insurances that have an "override" or "cancellation" clause. This means that, within the limits contracted, you will be assured the reimbursement of the expenses of the trip that you can not finally make and that suppliers like those of flights or hotels do not cover directly. A trip insurance with cancellation ensures that you return many of the expenses hired in case you are unable to enjoy your trip in a lot of different situations.

Travel Insurance 100% adapted to the trip you are going to make

In the same way that when you fly to a cold place you include in your luggage warm clothes and when you choose a beach destination do not forget your swimsuit, when hiring a good travel insurance is important to choose one that suits the trip you are going to make.

Not all trips are the same, just as you need your insurance in a Europe getaway is not the same as what you need if you travel to the United States or Thailand. In the first case, you may not need a high amount of medical expenses if you have the European health card, but you have to cover the repatriations or baggage. In the second case you have to look for a high amount of medical expenses to make sure that the complementary coverages protect you also before the typical delays of the flights or the baggage.

In addition, there are insurances with provisions adapted to cruises, trips with children, adventure sports, study trips and even long-term travel insurance. Be sure to choose the one that best suits your needs and do not make the mistake of assuming that everyone covers the same way.

Travel Insurance for all ages

There are few travel insurance companies that hide in their small print clauses in which they deprive, on the grounds of age, many of their benefits to some people. Travel does not understand ages, and therefore it is important that the insurance brokerage you choose has products "for all publics." At IATI Seguros, for example, all of your products are available regardless of age, except for the backpacking IATI, a travel insurance thinking for backpackers and adventure sports lovers that is available up to 70 years.

Travel insurance that will group all members of the trip

The last thing we want in case of a mishap during a trip is that you have to go home. But if that happens, the repatriation clause will take care of taking you back. A detail that is often forgotten is that, if the members of the trip are in different policies, they will not cover more than the repatriation of the affected. Therefore, if you plan to travel with your partner, it is advisable that you contract a travel insurance that covers both of you, instead of insurance for each one. In this way, in case one needs to be repatriated, the other will also be covered and can accompany you on the return trip.

A travel insurance that is not only "nice and cheap"

When it comes to quiet travel it is not good to look for the "nice and cheap", because it can often lead to misleading offers or whose small print hides more than it shows. The process of finding a good travel insurance usually starts like finding cheap flights: Select dates, origin, destination and number of travelers. If you look only at the first result that is shown maybe you fall into the purchase of an insurance that, although it seems very economic, does not really offer as many coverages as one that costs a few euros more. The main thing you should look at before you opt for one or the other is the coverages it offers. If you are going to compare between two or more travel insurance, remember not only to do it with the price and study all its features. There is a lot of difference, for example, between insurance that for €25 offers a medical coverage of €15,000 and one that for €30 offers coverage of up to €40,000

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