7 Temmuz 2018 Cumartesi

Securing the home is protecting your heritage

The external repairs of the home are one of the constant worries in which their users think, also occasionally make some adjustments inside, and it is that to fix the house is fundamental, but also not to neglect the complete protection of She With this we mean that taking care of our heritage is valuing the efforts of years, is to realize that what we have inside the home (furniture, room supplies, clothing, musical instruments and professional use, sporting goods and Kitchen, glassware, ornaments and more), must be protected either from eventualities such as natural disasters or thefts, and that security can only be achieved by acquiring home insurance.

With regard to this issue, it must be recognized that Nicaragua is a country where we often experience climatic changes and the high propensity to quakes, earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions and other natural disasters, make our homes vulnerable To suffer the consequences of the force of nature, so to prevent is better than to regret and once again we tell you that to be covered by these great risks, are the insurance.

According to Elaine Miranda, personal finance blogger, "insurance that protects your home and your possessions is always going to be an excellent investment and we would be surprised to know that the price is nothing, compared to the benefits and the amount we would have to Disburse if anything ever happened. It is important, moreover, that not only protejás the house itself, but also everything you have inside, "determines the expert.

Taking accounts
"The price of the policy will depend on the value of your home and the belongings you have. From that amount, the insurance company will charge you a percentage, which varies according to the company. In Nicaragua, the market is between 3‰ and 4‰ more or less, "remarks Elaine. And a lot of eye, because the expert clarifies that it is not 4% (per cent) if not, 4‰ (per thousand). The difference is that the "percent" refers to a somewhat for every 100 and a thousand to one per thousand. Thus, 4% means, for example, US $4.00 of each US $100.00 and the 4‰ means US $4.00 of each US $1, 000.00.

The expert shows us the example of a house valued in US$50, 000.00, securing their belongings for a value equivalent to 25% of the property, would be paid US $250.00 annual or only US $20.83 per month. Now, if the house is worth around the US$80, 000.00, this amount would be US $33.33 monthly. And here the question that makes us Miranda is: "What else are you spending those US $25.00 or US $40.00 a month, having your home and belongings without protection?".

To consider

When hiring your home insurance, an appraisal will be made to know the value of the house and the possessions. In fact, if you have bills that show the price you paid for some of your things, it will be excellent. If anything should happen (an earthquake, fire, cyclone, explosion, eruption, flood, etc.) and your house is affected, the insurance company will send someone to inspect and evaluate the damage.

The expert recommends that if you make any improvements to your home or that if you bought something new, notifiqués it to your insurer, so that they are aware that the value changed. It is also important that you do a list of the things you have insured, putting the name of the item, the price, the time of use and the status of the product. Eye: You will not be reimbursed the original price, but what your article is worth in that state, in the market.

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