24 Temmuz 2018 Salı

How to save on insurance costs when buying a new car

When you are buying a new car, you want to find ways to save on car insurance. There are many ways in which you can save on the cost of your insurance when you buy a new car.

Check car rating

Insurers charge more for cars with high claims rates, regardless of owner's driving history. Some charge you less for collision coverage and full coverage if your car has a good score for durability and safety. Check the stats on the new car you want before you buy it.

Increase your deductible

If you can afford it, consider increasing your deductible. The idea is that you can be prepared to pay for the damage yourself so that the insurance company does not have to do so in case of an accident. They like this. So, if you can do it and transfer the risk to yourself, then you might be able to
Reduce your premiums by up to 40%. Then you can take part of those savings and put them in an emergency fund, still coming out at the top.

Reduce old car coverage

If you have an old car that you are replacing with the new one, you should reduce the amount of collision coverage you have. The reason for this is that insurance companies will pay no more to fix a car than the car is worth. Therefore, if you have an older car and the damages are $12.000 but the value in the Blue Book of your older car is only S10, 000, they will not repair the car and instead will probably give you the $10.000.

Cars over five years old, depending on their value, but are not worth the collision and insurance coverage to all risks. Remember that each year of depreciation decreases the maximum claim you can make with collision coverage.

Use the same company

If you already have a car and are getting ready to buy a new one, be sure to use the same company to get your policy. Insurance companies will give you discounts if you put more than one car in the same policy. Often you can get more than 15% off the policy by doing this. The same is true if you combine your car insurance with your home insurance.

Avoid quotas

If you can avoid it, do not pay in monthly or quarterly installments. If you can afford it, pay the premium in a single payment. Insurance companies tend to charge additional charges if you pay premiums in monthly or quarterly installments.

Best Credit Score

Insurance costs are strongly tied to your credit history and insurance claims. In many states, your credit score has a direct impact on the rates you are given. You should check your credit score in depth to make sure everything is correct and that there are no errors.
If you have bad credit, work hard to recover it systematically while you pay your bills on time, repair your debts, etc. Then come back every time the score gets better to ask about lower rates from your insurance company.

14 Temmuz 2018 Cumartesi

Secure your property to an atmospheric event

We are at the peak of the season of storms and hurricanes, and with the recent passage of Hurricane Irma and Maria and the consequences of them, we remember the need to know the insurance policies that protect our residence against casualties, hurricanes, Earthquakes and fires, as well as flooding policies in the areas it applies.

There are different insurance policies that protect our property. The one that all property has is the claims policy. As part of the requirements when you mortgaged your property, the claims policy protects you and the financial institution with which you made the transaction. This policy covers fires, earthquakes and hurricanes. (Vandalism cover item is optional and additional). The flood policy is mandatory for any property mortgage in floodable areas. These two policies are required for all mortgage transactions.

There are packages-type policies, with which you can protect personal property. All policies have cover and deductible limits. These indicate how long, how and how much the policy will respond to you.

The most important thing with regard to an eventuality like this type of recent atmospheric events is that your property is safe, that you have exercised prudence, with protections, shutters, that you have safeguarded your property and your important belongings, because It's part of your policy.

Reviewing the policy to cover new structures, facilities, and improvements added to the home is extremely important. If you did not check them, it is very likely that these improvements are not covered. That policy you took on the closing day, be sure to check it periodically to cover the changes in your home.

It is important to know that if for any reason, within your mortgage you are not making your regular monthly payment or if you are not accumulating in your reservation for insurance, the bank will place an insurance in a forced manner to protect you like the collateral of the bank. This policy is your responsibility to pay at the time because your monthly payment and levels of reservation will be affected. In case of an event that affects your home, if your property has a forced policy, it is covered.

13 Temmuz 2018 Cuma

Medical malpractice in a cosmetic surgery, who covers the damage?

It is No secret that the number of cosmetic surgery operations around the world is quite high. Only in the year 2013 were carried out in Spain around 65,000 of which, 87.7% were made to women. The most performed aesthetic operation was breast augmentation.

Although there are much less cases of failure than success, there are also, and taking into account that the percentage welcomes more and more users who go through the operating room, it is natural that the patient wants to know who would take care of the damage in case of Neglig Medical gum when performing a facelift or if it is, for whatever reason, go wrong. Before analyzing this, it is important to know that not all aesthetic operations are the same.

Does my insurance cover the realization of cosmetic surgery?

There are two major branches in plastic surgery: aesthetics and Reconstructive. The first is done with the intention of improving the aesthetic aspect of a part of the body, while the second is done for medical purposes and for health reasons.

Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

Since cosmetic surgery does not aim to repair or improve a health problem, it is not covered by Social security and also by private health insurance. There are cases of policies in which you can get coverage of a part of it or a discount, but it is not usual.

Reconstructive Plastic Surgery

Reconstructive surgery can be and is, in fact, covered in many health policies as it is a medical necessity. Now, in case something goes wrong in an operation of either type, who is responsible for covering the impact of the affected?

Who covers the damage in case of medical malpractice when performing cosmetic surgery?
In the case of cosmetic surgery, Spanish law obliges all professionals who exercise this profession privately to have a liability insurance that can respond to the complaints of patients in the event of an error or negligence Medical.

If the operation has been carried out through public health, we will have to contact the administration itself to make the corresponding claims, although it is interesting to know that those responsible for public health services They usually have contracted insurance for damage coverage in the event of such mishaps.

If you plan to do a facelift soon it is important that you take into account this data, both to choose the health insurance that best suits you on the basis that can help you to lower the costs of your intervention, as to know who you should address in case of Q There is a problem in the EU.

11 Temmuz 2018 Çarşamba

6 tips for hiring a Motorcycle Insurance

More and more citizens are betting on the purchase of a motorbike. In Spain, according to the Association of European Motorcycle Manufacturers (ACEM) Sales of this type of vehicles grew in 2016 16.1% compared to the previous year. There are many advantages to these two-wheeled vehicles. For example, avoiding traffic, searching for parking in rush hour or fuel consumption are some of them.

With the arrival of good weather, the appearance of motorcycles in circulation is triggered. So it is not too much to remember some points that you have to keep in mind when hiring a motorcycle insurance. As with cars, motorcycles in Spain are obliged to possess, at least, a liability insurance to be able to circulate. Here are some things you should consider before deciding on a specific policy.

Don't forget to cancel your previous insurance

If you make the decision to change company, you should take into account what the insurance contract law establishes. In its article 22 specifies the obligation to communicate with 1 month in advance to your current company The decision not to renew the policy with them. Otherwise, the insurer will automatically renew the policy for another year. The most common way to notify the company of the desire not to renew the policy is through written notice. Once you have done the paperwork and received the response of your company on the low of your insurance, you can hire another policy with the insurer you want.

Check out the coverages and types of insurance

The main purpose of a motorcycle insurance is to cover in case of accident or incident, so knowing exactly which are the coverage contracted or the limits of these is very important. Remember to analyze well what coverages you really need. It's not about having the best, but choosing the best suited to your needs.

Depending on the use you are going to make of the bike, the years of age it has, its value, as well as the place of parking or the number of kilometres you are going to go, you will have to choose between a more complete or basic insurance modality. The options with which you count when hiring a motorcycle insurance are mainly 4: Third basic, with travel assistance, extended and all risk with franchise. Each one of them has specific coverages. unfranchised All-risk insurance is a virtually non-existent product for motorcycles.

Choose the form of payment that interests you the most

Paying in a single fee the insurance premium is usually the cheapest option. However, most insurers give the option to their clients to be able to divide the payment on a monthly, quarterly or half-yearly basis. Yes, you should be aware that this type of payment may cause some surcharge on the part of the company, and the more payments you share, the higher the surcharge will be.

Occasional drivers in motorcycle insurance

Motorbike insurances, like cars, can cover more than one person. As a general rule, when hiring a policy of this type only one principal driver is indicated but, in cases where more than one person is going to drive the vehicle, most of the insurers allow to include them as occasional drivers.

However, we must pay attention to this point, as there are companies that do not allow second drivers and force to cover this risk in a nominal way, which means that both the taker, driver and owner of the bike are the same person. So, in this case there would only be one person authorized to drive the vehicle.

Look at the conditions of the company before a sinister

On the other hand, do not forget to read the conditions of the insurance company if you have a claim. To be able to freely choose the workshop where to take the motorbike in case of accident or breakdown, the assistance on trip, to know if the policy includes accident insurance for the driver the insured quantities or the indemnifications, are some of the characteristics more Important things to consider before you decide on a company.

Another essential coverage that is not always included in the motorcycle insurance is the one that covers the personal injury and material of the passenger. If you usually have an escort, it is important to include this coverage that will take care of the injured person's medical expenses. On the other hand, it is necessary to verify the limitations of this guarantee, as they usually have very low amounts.

Compare Motorcycle Insurance

Choosing a motorcycle insurance can get very complicated due to the great deal that is on the market. For this reason you can find the safest insurance and avoid ending up paying more, entering the motorcycle insurance Rastreator.com. Just fill out a questionnaire with some data and select the type of insurance you want to hire, plus you can see the different coverages and decide which is best suited to your risk profile.

10 Temmuz 2018 Salı

Five things you need to know about education insurance

education insurance

These are key facts that probably not aware in insurance.

Education latches came to the country about 16 years ago and have some data and benefits that people are unaware and which are designed to meet the needs of families interested in investing in the education of their children or relatives.

These products help reach that careers such as architecture, which has a cost of $1540 per semester, in the most expensive University in the country can be solved in advance way and without having to buy any kind of financial institution debt.

An alternative to saving

Insurance to cover educational costs of the school or the University, help parents save and not to make last-minute payments representing a financial imbalance for the family. This means that you can arrive at the right time with a capital that covers totally or partially a student tuition for college or University.

These savings can also be complemented with plans that include coverage of life, personal accident and diseases of different types to make the investment more profitable.

Manage your time and choose their quotas

The timing is everything when you take the decision to acquire educational insurance, if done in advance, it is much more feasible and comfortable for family planning current and future finances properly.

Several of the companies that offer them have minimal time to begin saving, which can be, depending on the case, of the three to five years before the start of the disbursement of the money.

In addition, each family can choose the amount of monthly money who want to save for their children's education. This a great advantage of insurance educational since it allows quotas to conform to each applicant's ability and are also comfortable for the family economy.

Each company figures vary, but can range from 150 pesos monthly to the value that the family you want to save, but keep in mind that between higher share, you'll get one sum in the agreed period. However, so is unable to collect the full tuition at the time when the child begins their studies, yes you'll get an amount that will help pay for their education.

It applies to studies abroad

Many educational insurance in the country covers totally or partially the value of studies conducted outside the country, which nowadays extends the spectrum of options for a young man who wants to, for example, study medicine in places like Europe or the United States. It is important to clarify that beneficiaries may be both undergraduate studies as graduate in educational institutions as his favorite as well as will have the benefits of insurance that you choose.

Change of career or course programmes

Thanks to policies that offer education latches, can be solved this option as it is normal that young people are undecided about his professional future, so options who choose at the beginning can vary throughout their studies; but this should not become a problem or distress for parents because both child and family benefit, may change college career and even academic institution.

On the other hand, there are students who decide to study various academic programs at the same time, which is also viable with insurance policies that pay these programs exhausting six-month highs of university educational income in accordance with the agreed with the chosen insurance company.

Change of beneficiaries

This is a value option, since it should be able them to another person, that is not necessarily a son instead of beneficiary, insurance companies give the option to change it. For example, if you have registered a daughter as beneficiary, but she achieves a high academic level and got a scholarship, then is you can make the second child's education or also support education of nephews, or even the spouse.

9 Temmuz 2018 Pazartesi

5 Tips for Hiring the best pet insurance

If you have a dog or a cat safe and you worry to not miss anything: balanced food, rides and exercise and all the attention of the world. Unfortunately, sometimes all this is not enough and we see how our pet suffers an accident or sick. For these situations are specific insurance for dogs and cats. These policies allow to contract a cover of damages to the animal and even a guarantee of veterinary assistance. These 5 tips to hire the best pet insurance will help you find the ideal policy to protect your dearest friend:

1-look for those insurance that offer you within their basic benefits the coverage of the expenses of veterinary assistance, consultations, medication, diagnostic tests or surgical interventions in case of accident of your pet. In the unfortunate case that the animal died, this type of damage coverage guarantees an indemnity to the owner.

2-Some insurance includes in its coverage of damages the reimbursement of the costs of insertion of advertisements in press or radio in case of loss. 

3-The third of the 5 tips to hire the best pet insurance refers to a very interesting coverage, which covers the reimbursement of the expenses of the stay of the animal in a residence or center in case of hospitalization of the owner.

4-The best policies offer complementary benefits very practical for the owners, as telephones of attention where to solve doubts of veterinary character, to consult questions about the feeding of the mascot or to receive information on all type of Services related to the world of dogs and cats, such as residences, breeders or contests and exhibitions.

5-Good insurance offers optional guarantees of recruitment, such as veterinary assistance for animal disease, which includes consultation expenses, diagnostic tests and laboratory analyses. Surgical interventions, hospitalization, and home veterinary care expenses are also included. 

Some policies offer the possibility to go to their hospitals and veterinary clinics collaborating, or to choose freely the desired center and make a reimbursement of the expenses.

Considering these tips you can choose a pet insurance that deals with real care of your dog or cat.

7 tips for hiring good travel insurance

In travel, as in life, to be prevented is synonymous with tranquility. Therefore, more and more travelers are clear that hiring good travel insurance is the next step, after booking flights and the hotel, in preparing a trip.

The best thing about travel insurance is not having to get to use it ever, but if you have a medical need or any other mishap, having a good insurance will ensure that you are well cared for and the help you need to solve your problem with the greatest ease. As we know that sometimes it can be somewhat complex to choose a policy or another, we will tell you the keys to get you with the one you need.

Travel insurance where you should not advance the money

If you hire insurance with a high medical coverage to go quietly and at the time you need to advance money out of your pocket, it will serve you well. Also, the last thing you want in case you need medical assistance is that your travel insurance will make it difficult for you with payments and paperwork. For this reason, it is advisable to hire travel insurance that takes care of medical expenses, both visits and transportation and medicines.

It is highly recommended that you choose a travel insurance without franchise, so that you are clear from the outset that under no circumstances will you be responsible for expenses. You should know, yes, that if for urgent reasons you go to a medical center before you contact your insurer, you may have to advance expenses and then you will be reimbursed at the return of your trip.

Travel insurance that treats you in your language

Whatever insurance coverage you choose, it is extremely important that if you need to use them, be treated in your own language. It may sound first to something secondary but it is more important than it seems. Imagine that in a difficult moment you have to explain in a language that you do not control any type of ailment that you are suffering, for example, in your stomach. The fact of calling and being taken care of in your own language ensures that you will be treated correctly and in the most appropriate place.

Another important factor to consider when it comes to talking about telephone attention is the fact that you can contact for free. Insurance brokerages such as IATI Seguros offer the possibility to call by collect in the countries that allow it or to request the reimbursement of the call in which they do not give such option.

Travel insurance with the possibility of travel cancellation

What if the problem arises before the trip? Many travellers do not know this possibility, but there are travel insurances that have an "override" or "cancellation" clause. This means that, within the limits contracted, you will be assured the reimbursement of the expenses of the trip that you can not finally make and that suppliers like those of flights or hotels do not cover directly. A trip insurance with cancellation ensures that you return many of the expenses hired in case you are unable to enjoy your trip in a lot of different situations.

Travel Insurance 100% adapted to the trip you are going to make

In the same way that when you fly to a cold place you include in your luggage warm clothes and when you choose a beach destination do not forget your swimsuit, when hiring a good travel insurance is important to choose one that suits the trip you are going to make.

Not all trips are the same, just as you need your insurance in a Europe getaway is not the same as what you need if you travel to the United States or Thailand. In the first case, you may not need a high amount of medical expenses if you have the European health card, but you have to cover the repatriations or baggage. In the second case you have to look for a high amount of medical expenses to make sure that the complementary coverages protect you also before the typical delays of the flights or the baggage.

In addition, there are insurances with provisions adapted to cruises, trips with children, adventure sports, study trips and even long-term travel insurance. Be sure to choose the one that best suits your needs and do not make the mistake of assuming that everyone covers the same way.

Travel Insurance for all ages

There are few travel insurance companies that hide in their small print clauses in which they deprive, on the grounds of age, many of their benefits to some people. Travel does not understand ages, and therefore it is important that the insurance brokerage you choose has products "for all publics." At IATI Seguros, for example, all of your products are available regardless of age, except for the backpacking IATI, a travel insurance thinking for backpackers and adventure sports lovers that is available up to 70 years.

Travel insurance that will group all members of the trip

The last thing we want in case of a mishap during a trip is that you have to go home. But if that happens, the repatriation clause will take care of taking you back. A detail that is often forgotten is that, if the members of the trip are in different policies, they will not cover more than the repatriation of the affected. Therefore, if you plan to travel with your partner, it is advisable that you contract a travel insurance that covers both of you, instead of insurance for each one. In this way, in case one needs to be repatriated, the other will also be covered and can accompany you on the return trip.

A travel insurance that is not only "nice and cheap"

When it comes to quiet travel it is not good to look for the "nice and cheap", because it can often lead to misleading offers or whose small print hides more than it shows. The process of finding a good travel insurance usually starts like finding cheap flights: Select dates, origin, destination and number of travelers. If you look only at the first result that is shown maybe you fall into the purchase of an insurance that, although it seems very economic, does not really offer as many coverages as one that costs a few euros more. The main thing you should look at before you opt for one or the other is the coverages it offers. If you are going to compare between two or more travel insurance, remember not only to do it with the price and study all its features. There is a lot of difference, for example, between insurance that for €25 offers a medical coverage of €15,000 and one that for €30 offers coverage of up to €40,000

8 Temmuz 2018 Pazar

The keys to getting the most out of the agricultural insurance

Although these tools represent a good alternative to mitigate the damage of a climatic eventuality like a frost or drought, they have a series of conditions that regulate their use. Know them below.

The last frosts that affected the central part of the country left a series of teachings in the sector. One of them is, without a doubt, the importance of farmers having agricultural insurance.

Farmers ' insurance and the best ways to get your performance

"They are a measure of great help to farmers because, taking into account the climatic irregularity in which we live, drastically reduce the most relevant risks that can affect a crop," says Manuel José Vial, lawyer of Araya & Cía. and expert In Insurance law.

"People must know that there are insurances and that they have to be exploited, because they allow to transfer the risks. So the call is for farmers to make sure, "complements Ricardo Prado, executive director of the Agricultural Insurance Committee (COMSA).

And it seems that Chilean producers are becoming aware of this or, in the case of the smallest, they are being pushed to do so to be able to access the benefits of INDAP. The concrete is that subscriptions are expected to exceed 21000 policies in the different insurances that exist in the country — almost 75% of them with Indap — covering about one hundred thousand hectares of annual crops (cereals, legumes and vegetables) and fruit trees (Grapes, apple, olives, blueberries and raspberries).

The best councils for agricultural insurance

The problem is that in the country the agricultural insurance has been implemented slowly, so that not all types of products can access them. On the other hand, independent of the product you want to ensure, it is important to be clear what things in that crop will be effectively protected and which are not, or what to pay special attention to.

So the experts insist that it is essential that before hiring a policy, the producer knows in depth the benefits, but also the clauses that have these tools.

Six keys to hiring insurance

Six keys to hiring insurance

1) Crops and insurable areas

The idea of agricultural insurance is to mitigate the damage caused by unexpected agroclimatic events such as droughts (in rainfed areas), excessive rains or extemporaneous, winds, hails, snow and frosts. The conditions of the policy to which the producer may opt will depend on the crop and the geographical area in which it is located.

Annual crop insurance, for example, includes products such as cereals; Vegetables Legumes Industrial crops, forage; Greenhouse vegetables; and cereal and potato seeders. The lands must, meanwhile, be located in certain areas of the region of Arica and Parinacota (Valles de Azapa, Lluta and Chaca); Of the region of Tarapacá (Camiña, Huara, Colchane, Pica and Pozo Almonte); and the Atacama region (valleys of Vallenar and Copiapó). These are added to all the agricultural communities located between the regions of Coquimbo and Los Lagos.

In the case of fruit trees, insurances include species such as Table grapes (III to VI region), UVA Vinifera (iv to VII region), Pisquera Grape (III and IV region), apple trees (V to IX region), olive trees (III to VII region), blueberries (iv to X region) and raspberries (iv to X region).

Manuel José Vial explains that the ideal candidate to take insurance, in the case of fruit trees, is the producer of grapes, apples, blueberries, olives or raspberries that has its property in an area of high climatic risk. "However, it should be kept in mind that the value of the premium will depend on the geographical risk zone where the site is located, so that a producer of a complex area from the climatic point of view will have to pay a higher premium," he adds.

2) How to determine the amount to be secured

The amount to be insured, i.e. the maximum value that the insurance company is obliged to indemnify, will depend on the type of crop (annual or fruit).

To determine this, in the case of annual crops, the first step will be to establish three key aspects: The expected yield, the coverage and the price of the product.

The expected yield corresponds to what the farmer believes he will get in the harvest, and is determined from historical data, seed quality, soil conditions and crop management. Delivering data as tight to reality is vital, because if the producer delivers false information about the yields, the risk is that, in the event of a claim, the indemnity will not be paid by the insurer.

The coverage, meanwhile, represents the part of the expected production covered by the insurance (insured performance). Although the general coverage is 2/3, in the case of some crops such as cereals and industrial crops it can reach 70% or 75%.

The price of the product, which is expressed in UF, corresponds to the value that is estimated to have the product at the time of harvest. This price is fixed on the basis of historical prices of the last seasons or based on estimates — discounting the costs of harvest and transport — carried out by the main players of the sector, at the beginning of each season.

Once these aspects are determined, the next step will be to multiply the surface assured by the expected performance by the coverage and the price. The result will correspond to the amount insured.

In the case of fruit trees the matter is more complex, since the amount insured will be determined from the sum of the insured productions of each variety and caliber, as agreed. This, in turn, will multiply by the prices of each variety and calibers, as appropriate.

In vines and apple trees, for example, the expected yield will correspond to the harvest estimates made by the producer based on the particular conditions of his property. The amount that the insurance will cover shall be calculated taking into account the production insured by caliber and the price of each caliber.

Amount Insured =? (Sum of the production insured by caliber x the price of each caliber).

In olives, blueberries and raspberries, an amount insured per hectare shall be established by virtue of variety and yield. The formula for calculating it is as follows:

Insured amount = Amount insured per hectare X secured surface.

3) The time indicated

There are certain periods, which depend on the crop, to contract the insurance. In the case of the annuals, for example, the policies must be contracted before sowing or transplantation in order to protect the crop during all its development.

For fruit trees, instead, it is advisable to contract the policies before the beginning of the period of risk, which is determined by the species. In vines, for example, the period of risk extends from sprouting to harvest; In apple trees from flowering to harvest; In Olivos from the first of March until the end of May or mid-June; In blueberries from the sprouting of the floral buds to the harvest; and raspberries from sprouting to harvest.

In both cases, the insurance should govern until the end of the harvest (date stipulated in the policy). If for any circumstance this is delayed, an extension of the insurance company must be applied for.

4) How to calculate the premium and the subsidy

The net premium corresponds to the cost of the insurance for the producer. To know its value you must follow the following formula:

NET Premium = Insured amount x The risk rate + 0.6 UF.

The risk rate will depend on the crop and its geographical location. Thus, a farmer who wants to ensure a highly frost-sensitive fruit in a high-exposure place will have to pay a premium greater than one in a lower-risk area.

It is important to note that the state, in all cases, delivers a subsidy corresponding to 50% of the net premium, plus 1.5 UF per policy. In this way, the farmer should only pay the equivalent of the net premium minus the subsidy.

"There is a ceiling of 80 UF per year for Ruth. That is to say, $1.8 million in the case of a farmer who proves his condition. What subsidizes the state is 50% of the Premium Plus 1.5 UF per policy. When the premium is low, as is the case for policies contracted by small farmers, the subsidy can finance over 90% of the insurance cost, "Prado explains.

In the case of INDAP users, the institution additionally bonuses up to 95% of the remaining non-subsidized by COMSA. In other words, the farmer will only pay approximately 2.5% of the premium (+ VAT).

To be more clear on this subject, producers can access the simulators that COMSA owns on its website:


5) The keys to the settlement

The settlement takes place once the climate event that covers the policy occurs (check the box: Step-by-step settlement).

In the case of annual crops, depending on the occurrence of the claim and its magnitude, the losses caused by the climatic event can be classified in early total losses, late total losses and partial losses. In the latter case, production should continue until harvesting. The compensation will be when the production obtained — the result of the climatic event — is less than the insured production. In this case the value of the same will be the difference between the insured and the obtained production, valued at the price established in the policy.

Damages to compensation correspond to the direct costs of production until the date of the accident, with a limit on the amount insured indicated in the policy.

"This insurance is for direct costs such as seed and not for freight or taxes, which are indirect. It does not cover utility or profit. If a frost falls and everything freezes, the damage should be seen. The liquidator must make the report, notify the farmer and the insurance company to make the payment. In these last frosts we have made sure that the insurance companies pay in three weeks, which is especially good for some producers of annual crops that were able to re-sow, ' explains Prado.

In vines and apple trees there are three settlement alternatives:

-in significant losses prior to the curd, the compensation is calculated based on the operational costs proportional to the damaged surface incurred at the date of the accident, with a limit of 60% of the insured amount.

-In total losses after the set-up, the indemnity is calculated from the insured amount of the damaged liquidation unit.

-in the case of partial losses, compensation is calculated from the difference between the insured amount of the liquidation unit established in the policy and the production obtained from the harvest of that same unit, distributed and valued by caliber, with the Same criteria as indicated in the policy.

In olives, blueberries and raspberries the liquidation is carried out according to the percentage of damage caused by the covered risk, in one or more events. This percentage of damage, minus a 10% or 20% deductible, is applied to the insured amount indicated in the policy. This determines the compensation when applicable.

6) How to hire To hire these insurances is not required to apply. In fact, the process can be carried out directly in various financial institutions, INDAP and companies enabled. "Insurance is usually linked to debts. For this reason the insurance is taken in the bank, the policy is signed and this one is associated with the insurer, since it is endorsed. When there is a claim, the beneficiary ceases to be the farmer and he becomes the creditor, "Prado says. Now, if it is a small producer who decides to use Indap's help, and requests credits for amounts equal to or greater than UF, that credit will be associated with the hiring of insurance, provided there is coverage in the area for cultivation. "Farmers who do not apply for credit may voluntarily opt out of the agricultural insurance subscription. They must authorize INDAP to include in the credit, the unsubsidized amount of the net premium of the insurance, plus the VAT corresponding to the total of the premium. In addition, the technical background or parameters necessary to prepare the proposals must be given. The notices associated with the policy must also be made through the established channels and have an identity card, request for financing, proposal, mandate and policy ", indicate from Indap.

7 Temmuz 2018 Cumartesi

Securing the home is protecting your heritage

The external repairs of the home are one of the constant worries in which their users think, also occasionally make some adjustments inside, and it is that to fix the house is fundamental, but also not to neglect the complete protection of She With this we mean that taking care of our heritage is valuing the efforts of years, is to realize that what we have inside the home (furniture, room supplies, clothing, musical instruments and professional use, sporting goods and Kitchen, glassware, ornaments and more), must be protected either from eventualities such as natural disasters or thefts, and that security can only be achieved by acquiring home insurance.

With regard to this issue, it must be recognized that Nicaragua is a country where we often experience climatic changes and the high propensity to quakes, earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions and other natural disasters, make our homes vulnerable To suffer the consequences of the force of nature, so to prevent is better than to regret and once again we tell you that to be covered by these great risks, are the insurance.

According to Elaine Miranda, personal finance blogger, "insurance that protects your home and your possessions is always going to be an excellent investment and we would be surprised to know that the price is nothing, compared to the benefits and the amount we would have to Disburse if anything ever happened. It is important, moreover, that not only protejás the house itself, but also everything you have inside, "determines the expert.

Taking accounts
"The price of the policy will depend on the value of your home and the belongings you have. From that amount, the insurance company will charge you a percentage, which varies according to the company. In Nicaragua, the market is between 3‰ and 4‰ more or less, "remarks Elaine. And a lot of eye, because the expert clarifies that it is not 4% (per cent) if not, 4‰ (per thousand). The difference is that the "percent" refers to a somewhat for every 100 and a thousand to one per thousand. Thus, 4% means, for example, US $4.00 of each US $100.00 and the 4‰ means US $4.00 of each US $1, 000.00.

The expert shows us the example of a house valued in US$50, 000.00, securing their belongings for a value equivalent to 25% of the property, would be paid US $250.00 annual or only US $20.83 per month. Now, if the house is worth around the US$80, 000.00, this amount would be US $33.33 monthly. And here the question that makes us Miranda is: "What else are you spending those US $25.00 or US $40.00 a month, having your home and belongings without protection?".

To consider

When hiring your home insurance, an appraisal will be made to know the value of the house and the possessions. In fact, if you have bills that show the price you paid for some of your things, it will be excellent. If anything should happen (an earthquake, fire, cyclone, explosion, eruption, flood, etc.) and your house is affected, the insurance company will send someone to inspect and evaluate the damage.

The expert recommends that if you make any improvements to your home or that if you bought something new, notifiqués it to your insurer, so that they are aware that the value changed. It is also important that you do a list of the things you have insured, putting the name of the item, the price, the time of use and the status of the product. Eye: You will not be reimbursed the original price, but what your article is worth in that state, in the market.

The World of Sports Insurance

Athletes are usually people who enjoy excellent health but the truth is that the injuries are almost always aguardándoles around the corner so many have a good life or health insurance that covers their backs. If you also practice sports, you should seriously consider hiring one of these insurances. Now we explain why.

What are athletes insurances?

What are the most common injuries?
The injuries depend a lot on the type of sport that is practiced but in general sense, the most usual are the lateral epicondylitis, known as tennis elbow and the Epicondylitis media, which is also called Golfer's elbow. Other common problems are: knee and rotator cuff injuries, sciatica, concussion, and, of course, bone fractures.

Elite athletes insurance is much more specific

On the other hand, sports that represent a higher risk are rugby and lacrosse. In fact, it is estimated that approximately every 33 hours there is some player who is injured. Basketball players also do not escape this reality as it is estimated that in this sport occurs an injury every 71 hours. There are other sports, like boxing, that are even more dangerous as they greatly increase the odds of the athlete suffering permanent brain damage.

What are athletes insurances?
Currently insurance companies offer different policies for athletes. Basic Insurance offers a comprehensive medical coverage that includes from hospitalization costs to medication costs and the rehabilitation process. They also usually include compensation in the event of an injury or ailment. Some policies also have professionals who are trained to provide nutritional advice and even prepare an individualized training plan.

However, in the general sense, the most common insurances are those that cover the disability. The amount to be covered will depend to a large extent on each person but the essential objective of these policies is to guarantee the athlete a certain amount of money in case of a permanent or temporary disability that prevents him from doing his job.

Obviously, in elite athletes insurance is much more specific. For example, in the case of footballers, their clubs tend to hire millionaire policies to secure their legs as these are considered their main tools for work. On the other hand, tennis players tend to cover their arms while porters and car pilots are more concerned about their hands.

What about risky sports?
People who practice risky sports, such as paragliding, scuba diving, motorcycling, sailing, skiing or mountain biking, even if they do not do so professionally, should also have insurance. These policies cover accidents anywhere in the world and even include coverage that provides for the repatriation or transfer and accommodation of a relative to the site where the accident occurred. They also cover the costs of a possible bailout and the costs of an early return.

6 Temmuz 2018 Cuma

20 tips on safe handling for the elderly

As we get older, our driving skills can change. Here are some ways to help keep you or a safer loved one on the road:

Avoid driving at night if you have problems with your vision and do not ahúmes your glasses.

Do not drive if you feel tired, dizzy or stressed

Avoid driving in periods where there is a lot of traffic, usually in the hours of entry and exit to work in the morning, lunch and afternoon.

Keep the windshield, the headlights and the mirror clean to improve visibility.

Elevate your seat enough to have a clear view of the road. If necessary, sit on a cushion.
Limits the noise that distracts inside the vehicle. This includes radio, conversations with other passengers and the use of cell phones.
If you have difficulty hearing, stay alert and pay attention to the flashing lights of emergency vehicles.

Keep a safe distance between your car and the car that goes ahead to have enough time to brake if necessary.
Leave a suitable distance between the two vehicles every time you stop.
Keep the wiper blades in good condition.
If possible, drive a car with automatic transmission.
Performs periodic vision and hearing tests. Get hearing aids and new lenses when needed.
Take a course in preventive management through the AARP or the American automobile Association. Some insurance policies may offer discounts on the price when individuals take these courses.
Read the medication labels carefully to see if they impair the driving capacities.
Do not drive if you feel tired, dizzy or stressed.

Avoid driving during inclement weather.
Use other transportation services like taxis and buses if you don't trust your ability to drive safely.
Drive on familiar streets and limit travel to places close to your home.
Always wear the seat belt.
Always keep the front lights on.
Check with your doctor if you have questions about continuing to drive.

5 Temmuz 2018 Perşembe

How to choose the beneficiaries of your life insurance

When you hire life insurance, there is a very important decision you must make: choosing either the people – or institutions-that will be beneficiaries of your policy once you fallezcas. This choice should not be neglected: it is key and you must take it with as much information as possible. In this article we offer you information, tips and help so that you can choose rightly the recipients of the Beneficiopor cause of death of your life insurance.

Beneficiaries of life insurance: what are

All life insurances, whatever they are, have something in common: they are based on a policy that stipulates that, upon the death of the insured, someone will receive compensation, also called a death benefit. Those final perceptors are the beneficiaries.

It is necessary to designate clear and unequivocal beneficiaries, so that when the time has come to pay the benefit for the sake of death, the insurance company has no doubt who should collect the money. In addition, carefully choosing beneficiaries will help alleviate tensions between successors once you have left.

Tips for choosing your insurance beneficiaries

In fact, you will be in your right to appoint whomever you want as a beneficiary, but you better think about it and take into account all the advice and assumptions we collect in this article. Choosing them is not as easy as it sounds: there are legal conditions, vital changes and other situations that can turn a simple choice into a problem.

The first thing you should know is who you can name as beneficiary:

Spouses. It's one of the most common options. Naming the husband or wife ensures that, upon the death of the insured, the other half of the couple will have sufficient financial support to move forward. You have to keep in mind the age of the spouse, because if it is too old it might be interesting to share benefits with other people. Ex-spouses, especially ex-wives, should also be taken into account: it is relatively common for divorce agreements for the judge to order a husband to contract life insurance whose beneficiaries are the ex-wife and the children in common.

Children. Children tend to be regular beneficiaries. With the profit money because of death, you can guarantee, for example, that you will be able to finish college. In fact, it is one of the frequent reasons for hiring term life insurance. [More information on term life insurance]. In any case, and as we will see later, you have to be careful if the children are still younger, because they may have difficulty accessing the benefit.
Trust Fund. You can leave a trust fund as a beneficiary and appoint an administrator to manage it according to your instructions. It's a very appropriate way to get the money to serve exactly what you want.

Parents. Many insured appoint their parents as beneficiaries, especially if they are older and depend on their help in surviving. However, age can be a problem and you need to consider it if they are too old or to replace them with other beneficiaries if they die.

Bank. On many occasions, banks require customers to subscribe to life insurance policies as support for loans or mortgages. If the client dies, that insurance will serve to the bank to collect the outstanding debt.
Charity. Many people appoint charitable institutions (NGO's, associations, foundations...) as beneficiaries of their life insurance. It's a way of practicing solidarity and leaving a memorable legacy.
Companies. Companies tend to hire life insurance for some key people in the organization, such as homeowners. In that way, his death does not imply such a strong economic breakdown. Some insurers offer specific insurance modalities to cover these contingencies. In other cases, it is simply that the insured decide to appoint companies as beneficiaries.
Inheritance. There are people who, instead of naming specific beneficiaries, decide that their death benefit will become part of what they leave as an inheritance, thus giving themselves to potential heirs.

In any case, choose who you choose, remember that you can designate all the beneficiaries you want. That's right, you'll have to order them. That is, if you decide that there is more than one, you will have to decide how much money each receives. This division allows the recipients to be organized into three categories of beneficiaries:

Primary. Primary beneficiaries are the first line of people who receive the benefit by cause of death. That is to say, those who you name as first to collect when you die.
Side. The secondary beneficiaries are the ones who come to receive money if the primary ones have died. You must make it clear who those second-line beneficiaries are.
Tertiary. In extraordinary cases, a third line of beneficiaries can be reached. If there are no primary and secondary, the tertiary can be counted to receive compensation.
In addition to deciding who are first, second and third order beneficiaries, you can also decide how you want them to be relieved. That is to say, it is up to you, as insured, to plan how those beneficiaries are happening. There are two main forms: per capita and per stirpes.

Beneficiaries per capita. In this case, you decide which specific people occupy the primary, secondary and, if necessary, tertiary posts. There's no need to be any relationship between those people, you just choose the names.

Beneficiaries per Stirpe. With this modality, if a beneficiary – primary or secondary – dies, the right to compensation is passed on to his heirs. In other words, to their lineage or family. You do not choose who it is to continue the chain, but it passes as an inherited right to the successors of your primary beneficiary.

Tips for choosing your insurance beneficiaries

If you are already clear about what is a beneficiary of life insurance, now we are going to give you some guidelines to choose yours with caution and not make mistakes. He thinks that the death benefit can be a very high amount of money, something that can sometimes cause more disturbances than joys. Keep these tips in mind when deciding who you name as the beneficiary:

Study the circumstances of the beneficiary. Even if you think that leaving money to someone is always a joy, certain people can cause a displeasure. For example, if you name as a beneficiary a person who receives state aid or subsidies for a disability, you can cause him to lose that benefit because of the increase in income level that will be the compensation. Always keep in mind the circumstances of the people you want to leave as recipients of your benefit by cause of death.
Watch out for the juveniles. It is natural for a parent to want to appoint their children as beneficiaries, but it can be a problem. In general, minors (18 or 21 years of age depending on the state in which they live) are not directly charged with compensation, but the money will have to go to a trust fund. And if you haven't appointed a fund manager, a court will have to do so, which can be a significant delay in the delivery of the money. Make sure you have the options you have if you are going to appoint minors as beneficiaries.
Charitable institutions and organizations. You don't have to leave as beneficiaries to natural people. You can choose non-governmental organizations, charities or entities. It is a good idea when your family or loved ones no longer have economic problems and, after your death, you want to leave an enduring legacy.

Trust Fund. A very common option is to leave the money in charge of a trust fund run by a manager. This person will take care of your will with the money: give it to whom you determine and when you decide; Give it to charitable works, etc.
Incorporate it into your inheritance. If you prefer, you can decide that the compensation money will thicken your inheritance, so that it is divided between your heirs when the inheritance is accepted and distributed. As you will see later, it is an inadvisable idea, because it can produce delays in the collection and other drawbacks.
Choose beneficiaries. Don't forget to choose who your beneficiaries will be, but, above all, don't forget to choose the secondary beneficiaries and, if your policy allows, the tertiary ones. If you die and there is no one designated to collect, the money will end up in the insurance company.